
Showing posts from January, 2024

Blog Journal 2

 I have had lots of experience using MS Word throughout my K-12 and college education. I was taught how to use Word in middle school so I have used it very much since then. My freshman year of high school I actually got certified in Powerpoint, Docs, and Excel. Although I am very familiar with Word, I like to use Google Docs instead just because I think it is a bit more user friendly.  I honestly found all of the ISTE Standards for Educators very interesting. I personally find the "learner" standard the most valuable. This is because I feel like being willing to continue to learn and grow throughout your career is very important. I feel like I don't have any questions about the different standards because they all make sense and have a significant purpose.  I completely agree with the term "digital native" for my generation. It really is true, I grew up around technology and find myself very familiar and comfortable with using it. When it comes to my grandma, fo

Blog Post #1

 Hi! My name is Kylie Johnson and I am from Orlando, Fl.  I have two amazing parents and three older siblings, and a fun fact is that each of our names begin with a "K." I am currently a freshman here at Florida   State and I am majoring in English education. I have a passion for reading and writing and I always have, my mom is a writer too so I like to think I inherited my love for it from her! Some of my interests consist of watching movies, spending time outside, and hanging out with friends. My prior experience in using technology in an education setting has only been as a student. Since I was a Freshman in high school when Covid hit, I had to get very used to using platforms such as zoom. I also had to become comfortable with doing the majority of my schoolwork online using platforms like Canvas, Microsoft, Google Drive, etc. My Junior and Senior year of high school I took AP Capstone which helped me become comfortable with creating and presenting slides, as well as expl