Blog Journal 2

 I have had lots of experience using MS Word throughout my K-12 and college education. I was taught how to use Word in middle school so I have used it very much since then. My freshman year of high school I actually got certified in Powerpoint, Docs, and Excel. Although I am very familiar with Word, I like to use Google Docs instead just because I think it is a bit more user friendly. 

I honestly found all of the ISTE Standards for Educators very interesting. I personally find the "learner" standard the most valuable. This is because I feel like being willing to continue to learn and grow throughout your career is very important. I feel like I don't have any questions about the different standards because they all make sense and have a significant purpose. 

I completely agree with the term "digital native" for my generation. It really is true, I grew up around technology and find myself very familiar and comfortable with using it. When it comes to my grandma, for example, I have had to help her on numerous occasions with using her phone or laptop just because it's something she has not spent a lot of time using. I feel like this pattern will just continue in the future because technology will just continue to evolve. 


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