Blog Journal 7


First, I was having trouble finding a website for a teacher so I decided to just do an elementary school. More specifically, my Elementary school! Wekiva Elementary School has a very informational and easy-to-navigate website. They have numerous tabs with the most important information in them such as about us, get involved, curriculum, students, and resources. It was very easy to click on any of these tabs and be taken to the information that I needed. Overall I thought this was a good and interesting website!

I envision myself using lots of technology as a teacher in order to be successful. I want to create my own classroom website when I am a teacher so parents have a place to go to find everything that they need. I believe that this is important because this will give parents the ability to easily assist in their students education. I also feel like I will utilize resources like class dojo to have classroom management. I am sure that by the time I become a teacher there will be endless more technological advances for me to use!

I personally wasn't the biggest fan of canvas groups. The group chat between myself and my group members would only show up in the canvas app on my phone, not also on my laptop. I found this a bit inconvenient, and I believe my other group members had this issue. Due to this, my group members and I all created an iMessage group chat in order to communicate a bit easier. Other than that small issue, I did not have any issues with canvas groups!


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