
Showing posts from March, 2024

Blog Journal 9

 So far, I have really enjoyed being in EME2040! My favorite parts about the class are when we have classroom collaboration and discussions. I like hearing everyones different opinions and thoughts on everything we learn in class. I think the biggest thing that I struggle with is making sure to follow all of the instructions on assignments. I think sometimes I miss a few things and that brings my grade down but overall I really like being in this class! One resource I found interesting when I searched for open educational resources was a website called the OER Commons . It is a website that provides a search engine for OER resources. It lets you select what grade level, subject, and type of content you are looking for. I thought this was a good resource because it gives lots of room to find many different resources.  Assignment four was one of the most educational assignments I have done, in my opinion. It was tricky planning out how I wanted to present information for a group of eleme

Blog Journal 7

 Hello! First, I was having trouble finding a website for a teacher so I decided to just do an elementary school. More specifically, my Elementary school! Wekiva Elementary School has a very informational and easy-to-navigate website. They have numerous tabs with the most important information in them such as about us, get involved, curriculum, students, and resources. It was very easy to click on any of these tabs and be taken to the information that I needed. Overall I thought this was a good and interesting website! I envision myself using lots of technology as a teacher in order to be successful. I want to create my own classroom website when I am a teacher so parents have a place to go to find everything that they need. I believe that this is important because this will give parents the ability to easily assist in their students education. I also feel like I will utilize resources like class dojo to have classroom management. I am sure that by the