Blog Journal 9

 So far, I have really enjoyed being in EME2040! My favorite parts about the class are when we have classroom collaboration and discussions. I like hearing everyones different opinions and thoughts on everything we learn in class. I think the biggest thing that I struggle with is making sure to follow all of the instructions on assignments. I think sometimes I miss a few things and that brings my grade down but overall I really like being in this class!

One resource I found interesting when I searched for open educational resources was a website called the OER Commons. It is a website that provides a search engine for OER resources. It lets you select what grade level, subject, and type of content you are looking for. I thought this was a good resource because it gives lots of room to find many different resources. 

Assignment four was one of the most educational assignments I have done, in my opinion. It was tricky planning out how I wanted to present information for a group of elementary school students. I did not realize how much thought would have to go into an assignment for children. I think it also made me think about how I am going to speak when I am a teacher, and how I am going to give my lessons. 


  1. Hi Kylie! I really enjoy the OER Commons resource you provided. It gives educators the ability to easily access publishing rights for their projects and presentations!


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