Blog Journal 3

As a teacher, understanding copyright and fair use is crucial when developing instructional materials and guiding students in creating their own works. Copyright refers to the legal protection of original works, granting exclusive rights to the creator. Fair use, on the other hand, allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission for purposes such as education, criticism, or commentary. To ensure compliance with copyright laws, I would strive to use materials that are either in the public domain, licensed under Creative Commons, or fall within the fair use guidelines. When creating instructional materials, I would provide proper citations and attribute sources to respect the rights of content creators. When guiding students in creating their own works, I would emphasize the importance of originality and respecting the intellectual property of others. I would encourage them to use proper citations and seek permission when necessary. Throughout my teaching journey, I have learned that copyright and fair use can be complex and subject to interpretation. It is essential to stay updated on copyright laws and guidelines to make informed decisions. Lingering questions and concerns may arise when determining the boundaries of fair use in specific situations, and seeking guidance from experts or legal resources can help address these uncertainties. Overall, reflecting on copyright and fair use has reinforced the significance of teaching students about responsible and ethical use of intellectual property in the digital age.

One of the technology implementation issues that can arise in a classroom setting is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying refers to the use of technology to harass, intimidate, or harm others. To address this issue, a solution that could be implemented in a future classroom is the establishment of a comprehensive digital citizenship program. This program would educate students about responsible and ethical online behavior, as well as the potential consequences of cyberbullying. It would include lessons on empathy, respect, and digital etiquette, emphasizing the importance of treating others with kindness and empathy both online and offline. Additionally, the program could involve regular discussions and activities that promote a positive online culture, encouraging students to report any instances of cyberbullying they witness or experience. By proactively addressing cyberbullying through education and fostering a supportive online environment, the aim is to create a safer and more inclusive digital space for students.

Implementing generative AI, such as ChatGPT, in classrooms can have both positive and negative impacts on student learning. On one hand, generative AI can provide students with access to a vast amount of information and resources, enhancing their learning experience. It can assist in answering questions, providing explanations, and offering personalized feedback, which can be particularly beneficial for students who require additional support or have unique learning styles. Additionally, generative AI can foster creativity and critical thinking by encouraging students to engage in interactive conversations and explore different perspectives.

Working on a Newsletter Design assignment can provide valuable skills in graphic design, layout, and content creation. Through this assignment, one can acquire proficiency in using design software, understanding typography, color schemes, and visual hierarchy. Additionally, it can enhance skills in crafting engaging and informative content for a specific target audience.
To improve a newsletter in the future, one could consider gathering feedback from readers to understand their preferences and needs. This feedback can be used to refine the design, layout, and content of the newsletter.


  1. Hey Kylie! I really like the information you provided regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence in the classroom. One thing I would add is a section regarding the downsides of AI use for students.


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