Blog Journal 6

 To be honest, I have not enjoyed using Diigo. It may be a user error, but I found it difficult to use. I kept getting confused about what I was doing, and even while creating my account I was having issues with the website. I also do not like the way it looks, it feels dated, and it is in desperate need of a facelift. I hope that with time I come to enjoy using this platform more but so far it is my least favorite platform I have tried for this class. 

Creating my blog for this class has been my first experience with blogging. I do not dislike blogging, but I think I struggle with being genuine in my postings. I feel like in some of my posts I am very robotic because I am trying to sound intelligent, and I am trying to come away from that and just be genuine. So far I have learned that blogging is different for everyone, each of my classmates have something different and unique about their blogs. I find that interesting and I hope that as I blog more I become more comfortable in creating my own unique blog style. 

An interesting Web 2.0 tool I may use when I teach is TikTok. As of right now, TikTok is extremely popular and it captures the attention of so many students. I feel as though using this app could be effective because so many students like TikTok. I could do things such as assigning my students a TikTok video to analyze, or even have them create their own video to show understanding of a subject and creativity. I hope that would be an impactful use of a Web 2.0 tool.


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