Blog Journal 10

 Assignment 5: Powerpoint interaction was VERY difficult for me. I learned a lot about using PowerPoint in a way other than the typical slideshow. It took me a long time to figure out how to make everything work, so it required a lot of patience. I am proud of how the final product turned out, but that was in my opinion, the most difficult assignment we have had. It was very educational.

When I become a teacher I plan on teaching high school English. Because of this, I feel like qualitrics or other data collection tools will be helpful since I will be teaching older kids. I can use surveys to learn how my students are doing in the course, and what they like and do not like about the class, and I could even use surveys to see what kinds of books my students would like to read. When I was in high school, I took a whole course surrounding data collection tools. If I end up teaching a class similar to that, then obviously data collection tools would have a huge role in my classroom. Overall, I think I will definitely be using and needing data collection tools. 

One technology-related skill I am very interested in is 3D printing. When we went to the technology sandbox and I got to try it out, I was immediately intrigued. Since then, I have been looking at different ways to create designs to be 3D printed. To learn more about this skill I will continue researching how to use a 3D printer, and I will research how a 3D printer could be used to possible enhance a child's education. I will also advance my skills by visiting the tech sandbox to use the printer we have and ask questions about it. 


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