
Blog Journal 10

 Assignment 5: Powerpoint interaction was VERY difficult for me. I learned a lot about using PowerPoint in a way other than the typical slideshow. It took me a long time to figure out how to make everything work, so it required a lot of patience. I am proud of how the final product turned out, but that was in my opinion, the most difficult assignment we have had. It was very educational. When I become a teacher I plan on teaching high school English. Because of this, I feel like qualitrics or other data collection tools will be helpful since I will be teaching older kids. I can use surveys to learn how my students are doing in the course, and what they like and do not like about the class, and I could even use surveys to see what kinds of books my students would like to read. When I was in high school, I took a whole course surrounding data collection tools. If I end up teaching a class similar to that, then obviously data collection tools would have a huge role in my classroom. Overal

Blog Journal 9

 So far, I have really enjoyed being in EME2040! My favorite parts about the class are when we have classroom collaboration and discussions. I like hearing everyones different opinions and thoughts on everything we learn in class. I think the biggest thing that I struggle with is making sure to follow all of the instructions on assignments. I think sometimes I miss a few things and that brings my grade down but overall I really like being in this class! One resource I found interesting when I searched for open educational resources was a website called the OER Commons . It is a website that provides a search engine for OER resources. It lets you select what grade level, subject, and type of content you are looking for. I thought this was a good resource because it gives lots of room to find many different resources.  Assignment four was one of the most educational assignments I have done, in my opinion. It was tricky planning out how I wanted to present information for a group of eleme

Blog Journal 7

 Hello! First, I was having trouble finding a website for a teacher so I decided to just do an elementary school. More specifically, my Elementary school! Wekiva Elementary School has a very informational and easy-to-navigate website. They have numerous tabs with the most important information in them such as about us, get involved, curriculum, students, and resources. It was very easy to click on any of these tabs and be taken to the information that I needed. Overall I thought this was a good and interesting website! I envision myself using lots of technology as a teacher in order to be successful. I want to create my own classroom website when I am a teacher so parents have a place to go to find everything that they need. I believe that this is important because this will give parents the ability to easily assist in their students education. I also feel like I will utilize resources like class dojo to have classroom management. I am sure that by the

Blog Journal 6

 To be honest, I have not enjoyed using Diigo. It may be a user error, but I found it difficult to use. I kept getting confused about what I was doing, and even while creating my account I was having issues with the website. I also do not like the way it looks, it feels dated, and it is in desperate need of a facelift. I hope that with time I come to enjoy using this platform more but so far it is my least favorite platform I have tried for this class.  Creating my blog for this class has been my first experience with blogging. I do not dislike blogging, but I think I struggle with being genuine in my postings. I feel like in some of my posts I am very robotic because I am trying to sound intelligent, and I am trying to come away from that and just be genuine. So far I have learned that blogging is different for everyone, each of my classmates have something different and unique about their blogs. I find that interesting and I hope that as I blog more I become more comfortable in creat

Blog Journal 5

  In my early experiences using Twitter for my Personal Learning Network, I have been interacting with educators, industry professionals, and thought leaders in my field. Through engaging in conversations, participating in Twitter chats, and following relevant hashtags, I have been able to stay updated on the latest trends, research, and best practices in education. This interaction has been beneficial as it has allowed me to expand my knowledge, gain new perspectives, and connect with like-minded individuals who share my passion for learning and growth. Additionally, Instagram can be a valuable platform for visually showcasing my work, projects, and achievements to a wider audience, potentially attracting new opportunities and collaborations. The digital divide refers to the gap between individuals who have access to and proficiency in using digital technologies and those who do not. This disparity significantly impacts student success in schools by limiting access to online resources

Blog Journal 4

  The ELA technology standards provide guidelines for integrating technology into English Language Arts instruction. For example, at the 6th grade level, one of the standards is to "use technology, including the internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas clearly and efficiently." This means that students should be able to utilize various digital tools and platforms to create written content and effectively communicate their thoughts and arguments. I feel as though I am comfortable with implementing this because I am very comfortable with writing and research. With that being said, I still have more to learn about teaching this subject effectively.  The CPALMS Educator Toolkit is a valuable resource for teachers, offering a wide range of tools and resources to support instruction. By accessing the toolkit through the CPALMS website and selecting a grade level and subject area, educators can find a plethora of resources

Blog Journal 3

As a teacher, understanding copyright and fair use is crucial when developing instructional materials and guiding students in creating their own works. Copyright refers to the legal protection of original works, granting exclusive rights to the creator. Fair use, on the other hand, allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission for purposes such as education, criticism, or commentary. To ensure compliance with copyright laws, I would strive to use materials that are either in the public domain, licensed under Creative Commons, or fall within the fair use guidelines. When creating instructional materials, I would provide proper citations and attribute sources to respect the rights of content creators. When guiding students in creating their own works, I would emphasize the importance of originality and respecting the intellectual property of others. I would encourage them to use proper citations and seek permission when necessary. Throughout my teaching journey, I have le